Beachcomber Cruises are Commitment to the Environment and supporting our local communities

Our Mission
Family owned and operated Beachcomber Cruises and Picton Water Taxis are proud to work within an environment as stunning and naturally beautiful as the Marlborough Sounds. When you cruise with us, you cruise in safety and comfort, aboard vessels designed to highlight the fantastic scenery and surroundings. Our skippers have a comprehensive knowledge of the Sounds which they enjoy sharing with you. The friendly office staff ensure the smooth operation of our services and are Queen Charlotte Track itinerary specialists.
A journey with us is one you will never forget
Our Vision
We are always striving to be the number one company of choice within the Marlborough Sounds. We make this possible by having family value at our core, dreaming big and having sustainable work practices.
Leaving the Marlborough sounds a memorable place for the next generation
Who we support
We are strong supporters within the local community and work closely with local organisations such as Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust, Marlborough Youth Trust and Kaipupu Point to name a few.
Marlborough Sounds is our playground so looking after it is forefront of what we do, protecting the native plants and animals, removing rubbish, asking guest to take care with fires and asking our visitors to keep to the marked tracks.

The Tiaki Promise
Toitū te marae o Tāne, Toitū te marae o Tangaroa, Toitū te tāngata - If the land is well and the sea is well, the people will thrive.
Tiaki means to care for people and place.
The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations. Beachcomber Cruises values align with Tiaki, and we wholeheartedly get behind the Tiaki Promise and encourage all visitors to Marlborough to act as guardians of Aotearoa New Zealand.
‘Tiaki Promise’ - an initiative by Tourism New Zealand and six partner organisations which encourages people to care for the taonga (treasure) that is this country of ours.
The story of Tiaki “connects us to care for our people, our place and our culture… We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors. We only borrow it from our children.”
The Guardians of this world – Aotearoa- Showing us the way, caring for our people, our place and our culture.
Papatūānuku (the earth mother) She’s the sand and ice, the fields and mountains. She is in the ground under our feet.
Rangi-nui (the sky father) At night, Ranginui shows us the way home. His stars guide us and connect us to those who came before us and those who will come after us.
Tangaroa (protector of the sea) Tangaroa is The Guardian who give us our oceans, lakes and rivers.
Tāne Mahuta (protector of the forest) The Guardian who breathed life into the world and gave us the wonders of the forest. Including the very air we breathe.
Support the Tiaki Promise while Travelling in New Zealand by following the below guidelines.
- Care for land, sea and nature, treading lightly and leaving no trace
- Travel safely, showing care and consideration for all*
- Respect culture, travelling with an open heart and mind
- And use the Tiaki hashtag to show your support

Beachcomber Cruises Keep Cups
We are proud to say we no longer use single use cups as every year New Zealanders throw away nearly 300 million disposable coffee cups – and only one out of every 400 is recycled.
Throwing away one cardboard cup doesn't seem like much, but multiply that by the number of free coffee cups we gave away each year and the difference a reusable cup can make is clear. Changing habits takes time, but it's worth it. The environment is crucial to our well-being and to our future, and we should take every opportunity, however small, to reduce harm.

Supporting our Community
On 21st January Beachcomber Cruises sponsored an outing on our morning Ship Cove Cruise for 10 members of Blue Brothers Marlborough and 18 members from Marlborough Prostfit.
"Seeing the sheer joy on the faces of people, many of whom have continuing serious health issues, was very pleasing to witness. What a day."
“Our skipper Dillon was very understanding of the fact that he had agroup of quite elderly gentlemen, some requiring assistance to move around. Thank you Beachcomber Cruises for your kindness and generosity. We will be talking about our cruise for some time to come.”

Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust
Beachcomber Cruises are proud to support Marlborough Sounds Restoration Trust. The Trust's flagship programme is the control of wilding pines throughout the Marlborough Sounds.
Wilding pines are a significant problem in the Sounds, undermining its scenic qualities and threatening native flora and fauna. In some parts of the Sounds wilding pines are overtaking native plants as the dominant species. In such cases, thick stands of pines present a major fire risk and can also reduce catchment water flows.
For the first time, through the Trust’s activities, a strategic and planned approach to wilding pine control will be undertaken in the Sounds and on a scale far larger than any work done previously.

Kaipupu Point Wild Life Sanctuary
Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary is a community project which aims to restore a 40 hectare 'mainland island' in Picton harbour. The Sanctuary offers amazing wildlife viewing, engaging school or group visits and volunteering opportunities. Once a food collection site for Maori, Kaipupu translates from ‘kai’ meaning food and ‘pupu’ a type of shellfish. The 2.7km circular walking track will take you through recovering native bush, old growth forest and our restoration zone. The bush clad hills are home to many of New Zealand’s unique native wildlife including tui, korimako (bellbird), piwakawaka (fantail), kereru (NZ woodpigeon), korora (little penguin), tree weta, raukawa gecko and waiharakeke grass skink. New Zealand fur seal can often be found lazing on the jetty over autumn and winter.
Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary $3.00 donations
Beachcomber Cruises are proudly working together with Kaipupu Wildlife Sanctuary. With your help from community donations our aim is to enrich the community through restoration and guardianship of an indigenous Marlborough Sounds wildlife sanctuary. We will achieve this through volunteerism, education and tourism. Your donations will help us to achieve our goal of creating a pest free haven for New Zealand's native flora and fauna by sponsoring new pests traps and planting new trees.

Qualmark Gold Award
Beachcomber Cruises are thrilled to be awarded with the Qualmark Gold award. This award is such an honour and truly recognises the massive effort and commitment the team have given to benefit our travellers and the environment we travel through.
What is Qualmark you ask? Qualmark is New Zealand's official tourism quality assurance organisation and recognises excellence in sustainable business practices. Businesses are independently assessed by a Qualmark official and are awarded with a Bronze, Silver or Gold award based on their sustainable practices in health and safety, the environment, social/people and economic criteria.
"A Gold Qualmark Award recognises the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand, with the delivery of exceptional customer experiences an integral part of everything they do. It identifies those businesses leading the way in making the New Zealand tourism industry a world-class sustainable visitor destination". - Qualmark NZ.
This means we're up there with the best in NZ!
Qualmark audited:
This means we have met minimum requirements in this area. Making sure we are actively participating in energy efficiency; conservation initiatives; waste management & community activities.
Monthly monitoring: fuel/electricity/land fill and recycling – we are always looking at ways of reducing our uses of resources.
Regular maintenance: of all vessels/vehicles
Waste Management: Recycling – plastics, tins, paper, glass
Minimise impact
We minimize direct impacts on the environment by monitoring our operations and continuing to be proactively involved in projects to protect and restore the biodiversity of the area. Working with employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, the local community and any other interested parties to identify their needs and support them in our commitment to the environment. Creating an understanding and responsibility to, minimize our daily impacts on the local environment. Identifying both short and long term effects of operations, and in response, reduce any negative effects to a minimum.
Caring for Our Natural Environment
We are privileged to have the abundance of marine life here in the Marlborough Sounds, and we don’t take this for granted. Our vision is to invest in and support the future wellbeing and sustainability of the local terrestrial and marine environment, for present and future generations, through tourism.
Environmental Sustainability
We are committed to providing our customers with a quality experience. At the same time, we do everything possible to ensure our business operations have the minimum impact on the environment and our community. The long-term sustainability of our business is directly connected to the sustainability of our community and environment.
Our key sustainability initiatives are:
- Beachcomber Cruises are constantly striving to minimise fuel consumption. We continue to invest heavily in the most fuel-efficient boat motors and other fuel-saving technologies. All of our boats have been fitted with electronic fuel gauges to help each boat skipper ensure they are running their boats as efficiently as possible at all times. In 2012, we invested in the establishment of a full workshop to service and maintain our boats. This has lead to massive improvements to the lifespan and efficiency of our equipment.
- Beachcomber Cruises are always trying to reduce waste by reusing and recycling. We also offer our customers recycling facilities and encourage our customers to reuse containers and bottles whenever possible.
- Beachcomber Cruises do everything we can to minimise our water usage by turning off taps when we are not directly using water.
- Beachcomber Cruises support projects which have the purpose of enhancing, preserving or restoring the natural environment. We provide various forms of sponsorship and donations to local sports clubs, schools and other community groups throughout each year.
- Beachcomber Cruises activity encourage our customers to act responsibly when they are cruises the sounds or walking the Queen Charlotte Track.

Supporting Kaipupu Sanctuary and Picton Dawn Chorus
Beachcomber Cruises are proud to support Kaipupu Sanctuary andPicton Dawn Chorus. The Waitohi Picton area is home to diverse native flora andfauna under constant threat from invasive predators such as rats, stoats, and possums.Our current trapping methods have made significant progress in reducing thesethreats for over 9 years, reducing pest numbers by over 23,000.However, theexisting traps are labour-intensive to keep baited and constantly maintainedover the 4,800-hectare area we cover. Beachcomber Cruises proudly sponsored 3of the new AT220traps at a cost of $550.00 per trap.
The use of these traps will:
- Reduce pest populations more effectively - the strike rates of these traps far exceed that of any other traps we use.
- Mean that fewer resources and volunteer hours will be needed for the more difficult and remote traplines. Our busy volunteerswill be able to focus on the more accessible traplines closer to home.
- Improve the health of the local native forest, enhancing the beauty of our area and making it an even better place to live.
If you would like to donate to this amazing project bank account details below:
Picton Dawn Chorus Inc.
03 1710 0051798 00
Reference: Your Name and TRAP
Experience Marlborough Sounds with Beachcomber Cruises
Embark on a journey through picturesque landscapes and tranquil waters, immersing yourself in the natural wonders of Marlborough Sounds.